Built in:
Original use:
Private dwelling
Native crafts store (was a true dry goods store until about 2008)
Hjalmer Ronning House

Hjalmer (Helmer/Elmer) Ronning arrived in Talkeetna from Norway before 1919. It is likely that no one could figure out how to spell his name and spelled it phonetically. He was a master woodworker and built at least 2 dwellings in Talkeetna, both before 1940. He shared this home with his wife, Annie Nicoli Nations, a native Athabaskan woman. Hjalmer died in 1969 and is buried in Anchorage. Annie died in 1984 and is buried in the native village of Eklutna. The home sold to Verna and Carroll Close in the early 70s. It sold again in 1977 and turned into “Denali Dry Goods”.
Visitors to Talkeetna can examine the building up close to see the details of log building.